Wednesday, November 28, 2018

LOTR Swords

The Lord of the Rings is grand quality series. The professor of the Oxford University was the writer of these three series. The writer wrote these series while World War II between 1937 and 1949. LOTR is a big adventure movies based on three novels written by the same writer. We confirm that Peter Jackson was the director.

A great production company distributed these ones. There are three different titles of these movies.. First released in 2001 (The Fellowship of the Ring), the second released in 2002 (The Two Towers) and third one (The Return of the King) was released in 2003. All these three released one by one every year for three back to back years. They took almost 8 years to complete these projects in New Zealand having around $285 Millions of budget for these three movies. That was a big budget at that time. All the movies are very famous and characters were just awesome and fit for their specific act. Well organized and everything was perfect.

We assumed that we can write the whole story over here for all movies and will write about all the characters. But it seems it is too long for one post and you guys may be gets bored so we will write and share more information in the upcoming posts for you. Stay with us for more interesting posts coming your way.